
Sacred Self Store

Women's Circle: SPRING: 22ND September

Women's Circle: SPRING: 22ND September


Ostara/Spring: Where hours of light & dark are now equal, it’s a good time in which to balance the things we do in our lives. Flowers, trees, eggs and newborn life have come into abundance and there is an urging within us at this time to create, give, birth and ‘do’ wonderful things. Longer days bringing the magic of new growth and Mother Earth is at her most beautiful and feminine.

We’ll sit, sip cacao, deepen our connection to this special, igniting, energy, and honour the season together.

This event is a space for you to meet like minded women, create deep connection with Self and sisterhood & be held in a safe & nourishing way.

Come in comfy clothes, that make you feel your most magical and brightest self.

Includes Cacao lovingly made by me, as well as sweet treats.

I can’t wait to hold this Sacred Space for you, as we navigate the ebb + flow of the Seasons and explore the Practices that are aligned with these magical milestones. Let’s create the lives we desire, harnessing the power of the energies and rituals that each turning of the wheel creates for us.

Held on Awabakal Country/Newcastle Sunday 22nd September 3pm-5:30pm

Location: Church St, Newcastle

Plus if the weather permits and we’re feeling it’s a YES: lets head to the beach/ocean baths for a post Circle dip & light dinner (BYO Dinner)

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