
Work With Me


Work With Me

sacred coaching:

Are you stuck? Just simply stuck, and can’t un-stick yourself?
Are you looking for a way to bring the ‘heart’ and connection back into your life? Do you even remember how to connect in with your heart?

Or is it every night you go to bed, disappointed in your efforts to make some sort of change, whether it be drastic, or minute? But feel that tomorrow is a new day.. maybe you’ll do it then.. maybe you’ll be brave tomorrow?

You experience self doubt, & the negative thoughts are just eating up your insides. Your ability to dream big & take steps to get the life you want is just too out of reach.

Are there aspects of your life where you are just unhappy, feeling un-aligned, there is no intention to anything you’re working on, the pieces aren’t fitting together?

Feeling any of the above? click the link below & lets chat about working together.



I hold space for You, allowing You to dive deep into your heart space and unlock it’s truth, find direction & make intentional progress.

You align yourself with the energy of the moon, and set up beautiful, and intentional practices for you to move through while we work together.

You work on specific aspects of your life, where you want to make the biggest change, setting clear intentions, actions & celebrate the outcomes & lessons learnt.

You release any thoughts that are no longer serving you, you intentionally shift your mindset & reconnect You back to You.

You open your spiritual, soulful Self up to receiving guidance from oracle cards, sacred self practices and sacred tools/objects/ crystals.

Let me take your hand, guiding and supporting you as you journey through the next chapter of your life with gratitude in your heart & confidence in your soul.

Big Love, Carly


yOur 3 month coaching series includes

A Pre-Coaching Questionnaire: where you connect in, getting real & honest about what it is you’re wanting from this life of yours & gets you feeling into what you’re desiring, where you want to expand aspects of your life.

1 x 90minute Virtual Opening Sacred Session: An extended session where we gain amazing clarity on where & how you’re intentionally going to get where you’d like to go.

5 x 60minute Virtual Sacred Sessions: A fortnightly Sacred Space where I share an oracle reading, we talk all things You, as well as gift you tools/activations/resources/sacred practices to guide you even deeper into your Self.

1 x 45minute Virtual Cacao Ceremony, where we open our hearts, express our gratitude & sit in Sacred Space together.

Email & Text support throughout our 3 month journey together

Surprise snail mail sent from my heart to yours


$350 per month x 3

option to extend over 5monthly payments of $210 per month

or $1050 paid upfront: lets get started!!!


Certified Life coach: Beautiful You coaching academy: 2018

certified sacred circle facilitator: 2018

Priestess temple school: 2020

certified Yoga nidra, mudras, mantras, meditation teacher: 50hrs: 2021-2022

CERTIFIED reiki level 1 & 2: 2023

certificate 4: ENTREPRENEURSHIP & New business: 2023

What my Clients share about working with me 1 on 1:

“In December 2023,  I found myself standing in front of a doorway that I had no choice but to walk through. 

Behind me, was the amazing life that I had given every part of myself to create until this moment, over the threshold were changes that would tear down every part of this amazing life that I had built. The future would be nothing short of terrifying, life altering and completely out of my control. To make matters even more stressful my partner and children were looking to me for strength and reassurance that everything would be OK and I honestly didn't think it would be. It felt so unfair.

Out of nowhere, I came across Carly's Sacred Coaching Work, and immediately knew from a very deep place that I could allow the upheaval that these changes would inevitably bring into our life to create great despair, or I could work with Carly to channel these changes into a great transformation.

Thankfully I chose the latter and with so much love and wisdom, Carly guided me to reimagine my purpose in life and craft my new dreams into a tangible action plan, to see strengths and talents that I didn't know existed and to feel sparkly love and joy again.

Carly, working with you was magical, nurturing and protected every step of the way. I am so grateful to have had you by my side. You helped me realise my purpose, light the path ahead and miraculously find a new way forward that left me with no desire to look backwards and in the process realise that I am free. xo”

Joanna N, Melbourne, australia

“I found Carly to be an amazing sounding board & a personal cheerleader. Through our session, Carly built a strength in me that wasn’t possible to ignore. The positivity that Carly fostered in me is permeating into other parts of my life & relationships that we weren’t even working on.”

“Carly is endlessly kind, patient, vivacious & has this infectious attitude that will make you want to respect & take care of yourself & bring joy to your world. She will recognise & celebrate moments & light in you that were always there, but were invisible to you. Carly will get you rolling down your own path with a smile on your face.”


“Carly was very generous with her time and I never felt rushed or pressured to do what was not achievable but at the same time I was also challenged to do new things or experience new feelings and push boundaries. .Carly helped me every week to get more in tune with myself again and find time for some of those activities that I had missed. I met with Carly fortnightly and every call began with a card reading. The cards drove the coaching in a particular direction and were very accurate to how I was genuinely feeling.

This experience has been a positive one that has helped me to slow down and be more aware of my surroundings, connections, my behavior and what I need more of to be my best self. This has given me more confidence and I now prioritise things differently and spend more time with people, rather than less important things in my week. I also have found my soft self again and found new ways to handle pressure or stressful situations.”


“Carly is extremely personable and very easy to talk to. Her strength is guiding conversations that allows you to discover personal insights, and giving you the space to think and digest.”

“My life coaching experience enabled me to take the time out of a busy family life and set goals with a timeline. I was able to identify what my strengths and weaknesses are, and determined where I would like to see my career path lead.”

“The coaching sessions allowed me the space to discover and research how to begin my career progression and the steps I needed to take to start the process. Setting goals each session to be reviewed in the following coaching session was the push I needed to begin the discovery.”