
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

My Journey with Crystals


People often ask me how I got into crystals: I always start my story with my nan. Nan really was my spiritual influencer. I remember she served in the Anglican Church, but also had this ‘woowoo’ side to her too. She was an intuitive, and would often write pages of messages she’d received from her guides for me. I look back now, and gosh I wish I was as open to the process back then, as I am now. But hey, when you’re 13/14 and finding yourself: other things matter. I have no regrets: but my Nan was a pretty magical being and I do wish I spent more time with her when she was alive: listening and learning.

So Nan & crystals. Every full moon we’d line the ledge above the kitchen sink with jugs of water, sitting in the bottom of each jug were a heap of Clear Quartz chunks. I’d ask her what they were, and she’d say they’re special cleansing/purifying stones: they make the water cleaner & better for you. This was when I was young: like 7/8. And now, most full moons, I remember back, being with Nan, making the water clean and charged. And yes when I was in my teens I thought she was a bit bat crap crazy… but who knew.. being around these magical gifts of the earth and beyond is where I’ve ended up.

Crystal Snippets: In high school, a friend of mine made me a sterling silver ring from scratch that had a crystal from New Zealand in it. It was a deep green, sometimes black when I looked deep into it. I wore that ring for years.. sadly I’ve no idea where it is. I’ve always had garnet around me, in jewellery mainly, as it’s my Aquarian Birth Stone. Maybe about 12 years ago my sister gave me an amethyst cluster, and I kept that in my bedroom for years, travelled with it to every new apartment & house. And still to this day, it sits on my bedside table. I remember reading you can charge your water everyday with crystal power, so for years I had Fluorite, Carnelian & Rose Quartz clattering around the bottom of my Frank & Green water bottle. Sometimes laughed at by my work colleagues, or kids asking me what is in my water bottle.

When I was in Hawaii I went to a market and was literally pulled across an aisle where a piece of Cobalto Calcite was calling to me, the woman I purchased it from, felt it when she gave it to me and told me about the special magic that this crystal contained for me. At this time I’d travelled to Hawaii on my own (it was my third visit to the big island) And I was really going through some heartbreak stuff & mass healing and moving on with life: Cobalto Calcite brings joy, love, + positive energy. “nurturing, opened + emotional intelligence, this crystal helps you remember how to love with a sense of lightness and delight” I mean what a message..  and then I read: “it’s great for when you simply need a reminder that life is best experienced through hot pink-coloured glasses”. It had to be the medicine I needed at that time, and I still charge my water with this crystal: she’s a fave & full of joyful goodness.

I was going through some pretty heavy relationship/emotional stuff around 5/6 years ago and if I ever found myself in a crystal shop, which was often, and unplanned. I’d intuitively choose crystals, gliding my hands over the tops and pausing when my hand felt warm or cool. I’d pick up a piece and hold it, carrying it around the store with me. Never looking at the info card and/or researching it until I’d left the store. And every time the crystal had a message for me.

My sis would send me a little tumbled crystals in the mail, saying she saw them & thought of me, and when I’d look up what the crystal’s message was, it always made perfect sense. Whatever it was I was struggling with: unhelpful thoughts, needed grounding, questioning the decisions I’d made, going through major transitions in my life, leaving my job, leaving my husband, living by myself for the first time at 36. All the things, messages & energy from crystals would find me, they’d allow me to sit, to pause, to come at something from a different angle. They were healing me, witnessing me coming back to myself, & re-discovering & remembering of who I was going to be.

Along the way, the crystal energy love & info stuck, and I found myself being asked by friends for advice on crystals, what crystal is good for this? Where do I put my citrine in my home. I gifted myself a crystal 101 session with Loretta from Nourished Energy where I learnt the basics of crystal grids & elixirs: which I’ve been making for years now. I was able to add crystals to almost all parts of my lifestyle. 


Crystal Sound Bowls: I was practising a lot of Yoga Nidra about 7-8 years ago. Gena my teacher had the most incredible set of crystal sound bowls, every 2 or 3 days I’d be in class being healed by the sound, energy, vibration of the bowls & the Yoga Nidra Practice. Since then I’ve always been interested in this practice & the potency of the crystal bowls. I was lucky enough 2 years ago to have a  sound healing with Genevra from Singing Bowls UK, and I knew I wasn’t walking out of there without my own Alchemy Crystal Bowl. I practiced with my bowl every day for months, until we were in tune. Now ‘Aurora’ is my go-to when I’m in a little funk, want to charge up crystals for Crystal Curations + CRYSTAL CLUB, am holding space for others, and playing her while I’m sharing a meditation. 

Sharing the Crystal Love: I’ve now found myself wanting to share all of my crystal knowledge. Starting a CRYSTAL SHOP online space, where I sell tumbled crystals. You can choose what you’re wanting, or you’re welcome to a CRYSAL CURATION. An offering where you tell me what intention you’re working with, or purpose or support you’re needing & I can research and curate a Crystal Mix specifically for you. I love researching, and also finding the perfect mix, feeling the crystals in my palms and ensuring they’re all working together for you, to support you.

In 2020, I launched CRYSTAL CLUB! This has been so much fun & it fills me with such joy, magic & a sense of community. Crystal Club allows me to go deeper with crystals & practices that I use in my own life, as well a space to share more of the woo woo world I love. Looking at monthly moon themes, working intuitively with crystals to share with the CLUB. Each month I send out a crystal, info card, practice you can do with our crystal. This combines some of my fav things: Crystals, Connection, Snail Mail + Community. So much fun.

My Own Collection: You know, I’ve never actually counted how many crystals I have in my personal collection. They range from a small Carnelian Pyramid Pendant my sister bought for me in Amsterdam, to my divine Clear Quartz Generator to a pretty massive Geode I carried back with in my checked luggage from Melbourne. I’ve collected crystals from most places I’ve visited. Cobalto from Hawaii, Kyanite from Glastonbury, Labradorite from Byron Bay, Amethyst slab from London: that I carried around in my backpack for 3 days.. It weighed at least a kilo. I can pretty much tell you where every one of my own collection is from, or who gifted it to me. 

Then there are the crystals I have for you: A pretty special selection of crystals chosen for their support, magic and messages they contain for you. If you want to chat about crystals, I’m now offering Crystal Curations. An offering where we connect, work out what aspect in your life you’d like support with, and I curate a mix of crystals for you and share a practice for you to connect & work with these gifts of the earth. Reach out below or follow me on Socials.