
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

Digital Detox


For the last 28 days I committed to digitally detoxing my mornings. Prompted by a card reading I did around the New Moon in Feb.

CLARITY was my card: ’I welcome clear vision & inspired action’. The card reading: ‘A seed of passion and desire lives within each of us. This seed is our spark, a voice that reminds us of who we are at our core. It keeps us on track, inspires our mission & craves clarity. When your vision is clear & you know what you want, taking inspired steps forward feels more effortless. If things are not yet clear, the sincere act of asking & listening will lead you there.’

The practice of digitally detoxing was to allow more space and intention into my morning routine,

potentially working wonders for my physical, mental, emotional & energetic body.

It was an interesting practice. One which I thoroughly enjoyed, once I moved through the first few days of having to really remind myself to stop looking at my phone, and to put it down. It was incredible how often I would grab for my phone & immediately start scrolling. The muscle memory in my hands: They knew exactly which apps to open first & where they are on my phone, it was super interesting to witness and work on changing that memory. 

It was probably later in the first week, where I didn’t feel I needed my phone attached to me in the morning, opening myself up to doing other things with my time. I certainly felt more inspired to go for my morning walk, sometimes I would be too caught up in scrolling, then leave it too late to go for a walk before work. Like how ridiculous: I realised that Instagram and Facebook will still be there at 8am, 9am, 10am..

I’m not missing out on anything, by choosing myself first thing in the morning. 

I’m such an Aquarian: Like just sitting and eating breakfast, is just not me.. so instead of being on my phone, I’d read my book. And even at lunch: I found myself reaching for my book over my phone.

My meditation practice also improved. I love walking along the harbour and foreshore where I live. My last stop most days, is taking my shoes off, putting my feet in the ocean and then meditating. On days where mediation was tough, or I just didn’t want to leave the beach, I’d find myself getting onto socials & scrolling. However last month: that wasn’t an option. So I’d complete my meditation, and instead of scrolling, I’d either pop on some  calming music & just sit with my crystals and breathe, or  wait for it…I’d happily just sit and watch the surfers, the waves, even spotting the dolphins. I wonder how many times I’ve sat at the beach on my phone & missed what was happening out there… there in the world… right in front of me. 

Mentally & emotionally I felt more relaxed moving into my day, I had more clarity around what I needed to do for the day. I felt less pressure on myself.. Which upon reflection I feel, is because I didn’t start my day comparing myself, getting down on myself, judging myself because I didn’t have that life, or that product or that style. 

I reclaimed my mornings for me & overall I feel better for it. It’s a practice I’m keeping.

And I know there may be days that I dip back into being on my phone. But because I’ve changed that behaviour, I know I can pull myself back from the scrolling and the emails. Pausing and asking myself why I’ve felt the need, witness the why & come back to a morning with intention.

Have you ever tried a digital detox? How did you go with it? I'd love to hear from you. Reach out either by email or on socials: but know that I wasn’t respond until midmorning.