The Wheel of the Year
For a good few yeas now, I’ve followed a different kind of calendar when it comes to setting Intentions, moving through the year and anchoring into the potency of our Seasons. It’s be been really powerful being guided by something more than the calendar and just the moon.
I’ve really loved reading and learning all about The Wheel of the Wiccan Year. Not necessarily seeing myself as a Wiccan or Witch. It’s the seasons and the connection to Mother Earth that I’m drawn too. I love working monthly with my intentions and the Moon Phases. I know there is some great power in that, and the moving through and bringing intentions to life in this way is so special. But aligning myself with the ebbs and flows of the overall year is really cool.
How beautiful to align myself with how Nature moves, honours, learns, & celebrates throughout the year. At the beginning of the year we rest after a big previous year, we reflect, we let go, ready to open ourselves up to new seeds and intentions to work with in the coming year. And with each turning of the wheel, we pause, learn, connect & harness the energy of the season. So we can make change, grow, harvest, give thanks.
There are 8 turns of the Wheel, Sabbats, and it is dependent on your Hemisphere. Here are your Southern Hemisphere Dates
Samhain:30th April or 1st May
Winter Solstice/ Yule: 21-22 June
Imbolc: 1-2 August
Spring Equinox/Ostara: 21-22 September
Beltane: 30th october-1 November
Summer Solstice/Litha: 21-22 December
Lughnasadh/Lammas: 1-2 February
Autumn Equinox/Mabon: 21-22 March
There is much to learn about what each of the 8 seasons represent, there are many practices and ceremonies to complete for each turning of the wheel. I see each season as a chance to pause, connect in with the energy of the season, bring my intentions to life as I align my practices and ceremonies with natures calendar.
Key Themes for each Festival/Season:
Samhain: Ancestors, Reflection, Burn, Recharge
Winter Solstice/ Yule: Imbolc: Seeds, Re-Birth, Intentions, Change
Imbolc: Brigid, Light, Play, Planting
Spring Equinox/Ostara: Creativity, Renewed energy, Balance, Harmony
Beltane: Dance, Fertility, Nature, Light
Summer Solstice/Litha: Protection, Energy, Beauty, Strength
Lughnasadh/Lammas: Gratitude, Abundance, Outdoors, Fullness of Life
Autumn Equinox/Mabon: Reflection, Balance, Celebration, Presence
With these key themes in mind, I can’t wait to get started. This year is going to be one of wonder, learning, growth, & opportunity.
Would you like to join me? Is there a festival/season that intrigues you? Reach out if you’d like to know more, and be sure to check my socials & newsletters for Sacred Circles where we gather, connect, sip Cacao, and bask in the energy of the new season.