
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

Posts tagged Mother Earth
Connecting to the Seasons. A Sacred Year

Following on from a blog I wrote many months ago, haha like this time of the year about 3 years ago.. I feel now is the time to share my thoughts on what each of the 8 seasons/festivals mean for us. Whether it’s the changing colour of the leaves, the temperature, the energy of the earth, our own energy. This seasonal/nature way of looking at our months and year, has really supported me in getting deeper with my Sacred Self, connecting further with my Intentions and allowed me to absorb the energy of the time of year, harness it and make amazing magic with it.

We start in the Southern Hemisphere, right now. On the 30th of April we celebrate Samhain: pronounced ‘sow-ane’

“This is the beginning, and this may be strange to start the beginning with an ending, but you can’t have a beginning without an ending and this one night marks them both.”

This festival marks the beginning of Winter. It is the halfway point between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. Days are certainly getting shorter, morning air is getting cooler, we’re starting to wear long sleeves and socks.

This time of year brings amplifies contrast, light and dark, ending & beginnings. It has an energy of ceremony and remembering, as well as fun, laughter & joy. We know Winter is almost upon us, but we look beyond and know deep down that new light will be here before we know it.

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Forest Bathing

At a time when many of us have been isolated, locked down, working from home, unable to get out into nature. This practice is needed more than ever. And it can be simple and sacred. A time to disconnect from the busy, the static, the thought congestion and the to do lists, the must do’s, the should do’s. Lets make this a time to connect, or reconnect even, back into the deeper system: that of Mother Earth, the wild, the raw, the wonder, the quiet. Where the only sounds are of sweet birdsong, trees talking to each other and the streams flowing.

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Dark Moon + Rest

Welcome to the last/final phase of the Lunar Month. Not a specific phase of the moon, rather a ‘void’. And in some reading, it’s known as the ‘void-of-course’. This is more of an energy felt. It’s the dark time of the moon, when she is almost New again. Sometimes you won’t even see the tiny sliver of light on the moon. This is often 2-3 days before the New Moon.

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The Wheel of the Year

For a good few years now, I’ve followed a different kind of calendar when it comes to setting Intentions, moving through the year and anchoring into the potency of our Seasons. It’s be been really powerful being guided by something more than the calendar and just the moon.

I’ve really loved reading and learning all about The Wheel of the Wiccan Year. Not necessarily seeing myself as a Wiccan or Witch. It’s the seasons and the connection to Mother Earth that I’m drawn too. I love working monthly with my intentions and the Moon Phases. I know there is some great power in that, and the moving through and bringing intentions to life in this way is so special. But aligning myself with the ebbs and flows of the overall year is really cool.

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