
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

Posts tagged Sacred Self Practice
A Sacred Year: SPRING

Spring is a time of new, new energy, magic and growth. It’s not just the leaves and the flowers and the birds and other animals that are birthing something new. It is our intentions, our seed packets our energy. It is all coming into the new. 

A creative time, where you check in with your intentions for the year so far, you bring into balance perhaps something within those intentions that is out of whack, we bring harmony to our intentions. There may even be a different, more creative approach you can take. This is  where we really start to lean into our action stations. 

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Your Introduction to the Chakras: The Root Chakra

 You may associate this Chakra with the colour red, it’s often represented as a lotus flower with 4 petals. When in balance this chakra brings safety, security, a sense of grounding & stillness. The perfect place to start when you’re beginning your work with the Chakras and the balancing/aligning of your energy body. If you don’t have your system rooted in it’s greatness, you cannot connect to your confidence, or your self worth, leading you to disconnection to the heart, your self expression energies and beyond.

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A Sacred Year: IMBOLC

So this week I was in conversation with my Coach and coaching group & I was talking about simplifying my work life a little. Last week when I really needed to rest but felt called to make progress with something in my biz, I checked in with myself and felt like doing something creative would be nice and felt right. And it was, I have a crystal curation client that I worked on, researching, creating stickers for the packets on canva, called my crystal wholesaler, chatted and popped through an order. I finished my day, feeling rested, fulfilled and inspired by what I had created. I felt bloody good.

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Being Free From

What does being ‘free’ feel and look like for you? In a conversation I had with a client not too long ago, we explored what it means to be free. We were chatting as this came up around an intention she was working with. When we dove into it. She was exploring all the options she wanted freedom around and what that could mean for her life.

I asked her one question that changed it all. What do you want to be free from? Rather than free to do, we explored what she wanted to be free from. It opened up a very different way of seeing aspects of her life. Especially when we talked about how can we be free when to show up daily in our lives, we feel we need to control situations/narratives, outcomes.

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A Sacred Year: WINTER

Welcome back to the 2nd part of my SACRED YEAR Blog Series, as we welcome WINTER, or YULE, and what an incredible festival/Solstice to honour.

A time of stillness, deep rest, seed planting, and an honouring of the true dark. We know that the Solstice is our shortest day of the year. The night is the longest night.

It’s a time of candles, generating warmth in the home, enjoying hearty + nourishing foods. We’re often more quiet with our social lives, more internal with our processing, we’re actively hibernating if you will. We’ve not forgotten what came up for us during Samhain, in fact, we’re ruminating in what came up for us. We’re spending time to connect and understand what is truly in our hearts, soul, future.

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Sacred Travel

I recently did a little Values Checkin Practice. A lovely practice held with my good mate and Fully Flourishing Expert, Sophie. It’s a great Practice and allows us time and space dedicated to answering questions around what it is we love about our life, where you love spending your time, what you owe talking about, and so forth. What came up for me wasn’t really a surprise. My Sacred Biz, My Health and Travel.

Perhaps heavily influenced because as I share this with you, I’m in Peru. A trip that I’ve had on my heart for many many years. I'm not really a vision board or bucket list kinda gal, but what I do do, is hold the visions in my heart. One of those visions is to venture to Peru on Sacred retreat with my mentor Sora Schilling.

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Connecting to the Seasons. A Sacred Year

Following on from a blog I wrote many months ago, haha like this time of the year about 3 years ago.. I feel now is the time to share my thoughts on what each of the 8 seasons/festivals mean for us. Whether it’s the changing colour of the leaves, the temperature, the energy of the earth, our own energy. This seasonal/nature way of looking at our months and year, has really supported me in getting deeper with my Sacred Self, connecting further with my Intentions and allowed me to absorb the energy of the time of year, harness it and make amazing magic with it.

We start in the Southern Hemisphere, right now. On the 30th of April we celebrate Samhain: pronounced ‘sow-ane’

“This is the beginning, and this may be strange to start the beginning with an ending, but you can’t have a beginning without an ending and this one night marks them both.”

This festival marks the beginning of Winter. It is the halfway point between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. Days are certainly getting shorter, morning air is getting cooler, we’re starting to wear long sleeves and socks.

This time of year brings amplifies contrast, light and dark, ending & beginnings. It has an energy of ceremony and remembering, as well as fun, laughter & joy. We know Winter is almost upon us, but we look beyond and know deep down that new light will be here before we know it.

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The Magic of Cacao

For those of you that have been following along with my life for a while, you will know that this sweet, delicious chocolatey goodness has been an anchor for me for good few years now.

I’m trying to remember how I came across it. It was well over 7 years ago. And to be honest I think Cacao found me. I was a pretty avid coffee drinker. Lived in Melbs, that’s kind of what you do there. I loved coffee, it was my daily thing, it was a way to connect with the peeps at the coffee shop, catch up with friends, keep me going through my busy days, and probably a bit of a coping mechanism to get me through some sticky situations.

Cacao found me at a different time in my life. I’d moved on from quite a stressful working environment, I’d discovered Yoga Nidra, was looking after my health, connecting to my spiritual Self. And then one day I found Australian Ceremonial Cacao. I felt compelled to buy a bag instantly. It arrived and I don't think I looked back.

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The Practice of Kintsugi and the Heart

I wrote in my journal the other week about this. How upon reflection I feel like I’ve spent 12months Kintsugi-ing my heart back together. A term I heard from a client I worked with a while ago.. not of the heart, actually maybe we were taking about the heart and mending it after heart break. So Kintsugi: The Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with urushi lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum.

Yep this is a beautiful way to describe what I’ve been moving through. I did all the heart stuff last year, my heart Chakra received a real work out.

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The first Sacred Practice I fell in love with

At the time I found Yoga Nidra, my system was not happy, it was broken and disconnected from everything. I’d never been much into gyms, yoga, stretching, even relaxing.. I’d started to do a little buit of mindfulness.. mainly colouring in.. I did knit though, which seemed to really calm my system. But committing to and showing up a few times a week for a Yoga NIdra class was the gift to my system that I didn’t even know I needed.

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My Fave Sacred Practices

What better way to start than to share 3 of my fave Sacred Practices right now. At least one or two of these Practices I do every day. Sometimes all three, time permitting. Sometimes all together and other times I step into each Practice throughout the day. The beauty of this being your own Practice, is you choose what works for you in that moment.

No1: Has to be my Cacao Practice. This for me is a daily Practice of devotion and an honouring of my Sacred Self. I hold my intention as I’m making my Cacao every day, with every stir in the saucepan I’m holding my intention in my minds eye and heart.

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Hi, I'm back.. healing & being rad!

Well hello, It’s been a little while. Quite a while actually, since I’ve been here in this space. I took a break because.. well life really. And now I’m listening to the little soul whispers, saying it’s time to share a little more with you again.

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I’ve been working with intentions effectively for a good few years now. Way back in the day when I’d set goals at the beginning of the year, never really think about them again until the December of that year, then wonder why I’d never really moved closer to the goal. It wasn’t until I found Yoga Nidra & learning more about the energy of the Lunar Cycles that I really tapped into the power & energy of setting intentions.

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Spring is said to be a time of harmony, creativity, new life, new ideas, the equal energies of the the light & dark, although the light is becoming stronger..

It gives us a sense of renewed energy after the rest, the quiet action and the deep learnings from winter. All of those ideas that you’ve had bubbling inside over winter, are wanting to emerge. The seeds are planted and the shoots are searching for the sun, that is beginning to shine brighter & brighter as the days move closer to summer.

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