
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

Posts tagged Sacred Awakening
A Sacred Year: SPRING

Spring is a time of new, new energy, magic and growth. It’s not just the leaves and the flowers and the birds and other animals that are birthing something new. It is our intentions, our seed packets our energy. It is all coming into the new. 

A creative time, where you check in with your intentions for the year so far, you bring into balance perhaps something within those intentions that is out of whack, we bring harmony to our intentions. There may even be a different, more creative approach you can take. This is  where we really start to lean into our action stations. 

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A Sacred Year: WINTER

Welcome back to the 2nd part of my SACRED YEAR Blog Series, as we welcome WINTER, or YULE, and what an incredible festival/Solstice to honour.

A time of stillness, deep rest, seed planting, and an honouring of the true dark. We know that the Solstice is our shortest day of the year. The night is the longest night.

It’s a time of candles, generating warmth in the home, enjoying hearty + nourishing foods. We’re often more quiet with our social lives, more internal with our processing, we’re actively hibernating if you will. We’ve not forgotten what came up for us during Samhain, in fact, we’re ruminating in what came up for us. We’re spending time to connect and understand what is truly in our hearts, soul, future.

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Sacred Travel

I recently did a little Values Checkin Practice. A lovely practice held with my good mate and Fully Flourishing Expert, Sophie. It’s a great Practice and allows us time and space dedicated to answering questions around what it is we love about our life, where you love spending your time, what you owe talking about, and so forth. What came up for me wasn’t really a surprise. My Sacred Biz, My Health and Travel.

Perhaps heavily influenced because as I share this with you, I’m in Peru. A trip that I’ve had on my heart for many many years. I'm not really a vision board or bucket list kinda gal, but what I do do, is hold the visions in my heart. One of those visions is to venture to Peru on Sacred retreat with my mentor Sora Schilling.

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