
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

A Sacred Year: WINTER

Welcome back to the 2nd part of my SACRED YEAR Blog Series, as we welcome WINTER, or YULE, and what an incredible festival/Solstice to honour.

A time of stillness, deep rest, seed planting, and an honouring of the true dark. We know that the Solstice is our shortest day of the year. The night is the longest night.

It’s a time of candles, generating warmth in the home, enjoying hearty + nourishing foods. We’re often more quiet with our social lives, more internal with our processing, we’re actively hibernating if you will. We’ve not forgotten what came up for us during Samhain, in fact, we’re ruminating in what came up for us. We’re spending time to connect and understand what is truly in our hearts, soul, future.

At Samhain we really celebrated all that we’ve achieved last year, and then let go/left behind what we don’t want to carry into this new year. Winter Solstice is now your time to connect deeper. What is it that we truly want to welcome into our lives and beings for this coming 12 months. It’s a time to dream big, to write it down, to sow the seeds and to claim all that you desire for this new year.

We are lovingly reminded that no matter how dark it gets, there is light not far away, the light always returns. As I mentioned it’s a time of planting seeds, a returning of the sun, and a promise that everything will begin to grow again. It’s a turning point- a point of change- where the tides of the year turn and begin to flow in the opposite direction.

It’s a great time to find your favourite meditation, connect to your hearts wisdom, journal about what you’d like to call in for the coming months. An invitation to connect in with new intentions: you could do an oracle card reading to see what is coming in for you. Connect with your Cacao and ask her what it is you’d both like to create together this year. Or get to a Sacred Circle where you can amplify the season and the magic, voice what is on your heart and be supported. Reach out if you’d like support with your next steps for your Sacred Self.


Make a Yule/Winter inspired oil blend to anchor into the season or lather yourself in the magic of Winter. A divine way to anchor into your intentions, meditation, journal, Sacred Practice, or Reiki Session. Just pop some oil on your temples, rub on your hands before you sip your Cacao, roll on the bottoms of your feet before resting or for restorative yoga.

6 drops Frankincense

3 drops Myrrh

2 drops Juniper Berry

2 drops Siberian Fir

Pop all oils drops in a rollerball and fill with fractionated coconut oil or sweet almond oil. For a body oil, triple the drops and add to a larger vessel and fill with a combination of sweet almond oil, jojoba oil and a little bit of fractionated coconut oil.

Let me know in the comments below what you thought of this post, as well as how you went with the creating your Sacred Oil Blend for WINTER. I’d love to hear from you.