
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

Being Free From

What does being ‘free’ feel and look like for you? In a conversation I had with a client not too long ago, we explored what it means to be free. We were chatting as this came up around an intention she was working with. When we dove into it. She was exploring all the options she wanted freedom around and what that could mean for her life.

I asked her one question that changed it all. What do you want to be free from? Rather than free to do, we explored what she wanted to be free from. It opened up a very different way of seeing aspects of her life. Especially when we talked about how can we be free when to show up daily in our lives, we feel we need to control situations/narratives, outcomes.

So with this question around being free from.. it allowed the releasing and shedding to begin. Showing us what life could be like when we’re free from.. pressure to show up, expectations of family, financial worries, how we are perceived by friends, needing to explain circumstances, society pressures etc.

What opened up here, was a new lense to see her intentions through, which then had a really cool effect on what choices were made around certain aspects of her life. ahhhhh exhale for the magic of the work.

So being free, for me being free, feels like creating choice. Giving myself the grounds and experience and opportunities to choose. As you know I work with intentions, and I deeply feel that when you’re truly anchored into your intention, you create choices for yourself. with no right or wrong.. well sometimes.. but only you can decide that. And that is your choice.

But when I am truly connected to my intention, say around my health. I choose between either moving my body of a morning, or sleeping in, or scrolling on my phone. My intention ‘I am healthy, happy & whole’, steers me toward choosing to go for a walk. Once home, I create choice on how to nourish my body, I could have sugary cereal, or I could choose to make a smoothie, and for me because I’ve already chosen my intention once this morning, I choose a smoothie. This is one aspect where I feel free. I'm free to choose. And I feel there is real magic in this realisation for me.

There is something my Yoga Nidra teacher always bought into our Practice. ‘The more I witness, the more I see. The more I see, the more I chose differently’. Yoga Nidra, being the practice of working through the layers of our bodies, physical, sensory, energy, and connecting to them. We begin the practice of deep witnessing of what comes up at each of these layers.

I probably need to write some words on just how fricking good Yoga Nidra is for us, but another time. For now, it’s similar to what working with Intentions so deeply creates for me. The more I anchor into my Intention, the more I feel. The more I feel, the more I choose differently..

What about yourself? Does any of this resonate for you? I’d love to know, when asked the question of what do you desire to be free from, what comes up for you here? Can you spend some time journaling on the question.