
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

A Sacred Year: IMBOLC

So this week I was in conversation with my Coach and coaching group & I was talking about simplifying my work life a little. Last week when I really needed to rest but felt called to make progress with something in my biz, I checked in with myself and felt like doing something creative would be nice and felt right. And it was, I have a crystal curation client that I worked on, researching, creating stickers for the packets on canva, called my crystal wholesaler, chatted and popped through an order. I finished my day, feeling rested, fulfilled and inspired by what I had created. I felt bloody good.

Through this coaching conversation I shared that this week I wanted to invite in more joy, simplicity and fun, but I wasn’t going to force it, I was simply going to be open to seeing what came to me. And it did, I’d been wanting to check out No Lights, No Lycra, a dance class in the dark, for a while. But I also didn’t want to show up alone. Then around 6pm, I friend called and said she couldn’t make her yoga class, and that shall we just go and check it out. And you know what I said yes.. I was open.. I had on trackies and tee, threw some socks and boots on and headed out the door.

Pitch black.. loud music, a banger of a song to start us off, and that as that for an hour. My eyes adjusted slightly to the dark, I could see silhouettes, but knew that no one could see me, like I couldn’t see them. And it was fricking so cool. I literally danced like no one was watching, because they weren’t. I was completely in my element and it was all me. The song from Moloko ‘Sing it Back’ came on, and I found myself drawing my energy back to myself. It’s been a busy couple of weeks, and I’ve felt a little untethered to life. This practice and energy drawing back in, was everything in that moment for me. I felt more alive and truly connected to myself.

After the session, Liz and I were chatting about how cool it was, except for one weird clown-like song in the middle.. which was a tad disturbing, but actually I just leant into the uncomfortable feelings, and held all of my intentions close to me, and realised that I can be this Sacred being amongst weird and very uncomfortable experiences. That I can still stay true to me, and breathe my way through it, and to trust that I can be in this experience and let go of any labels, stories and bullshit that I might attach to it. Kinda awesome like lesson learnt on the dance floor in pure darkness.

Okay so back to Liz & chatting after the sesh. I shared how this was a great last minute suggestion, and that just earlier, I’d been sharing how open I was to joy and movement today, and how I was really drawn to that kind of light, fun, almost youthful energy at the moment. Like i want to laugh and be silly and dance around my lounge room in pyjamas, and colour in.. And then it dawned on me. I’m holding a Sacred Circle for Imbolc this Sunday, and this time of the season for us represents, among other things: childlike fun, and in Circle we will talk about what are some of the things you used to love doing as a kid, the you don't do now.. I mean…penny fucking dropping moment..

I know this stuff. I know our seasons. I remember. My body remembers what we need for flow, to move through the year aligned to the season and her potent energy. And far out I feel good landing in the remembering of that in my whole being.. like in every cell.. the penny dropped.

I mentioned to you that I’ve been feeling untethered these past few weeks. I also celebrated myself and my ability whilst on the coaching call: The more I do this deeper internal system work, when things get tough or challenges arise, and I lose my focus, my tether to what matters, I'm coming back to it quicker. I come back to my Sacred Practices, even if ever so gently, and I connect back, and then the remembering happens, and then I feel more connected to what is around me, and then I embrace the season of now and it’s energy and find myself in flow, supported and ready to take action. All the winning feelings.

Imbolc is also a time of turning on the lights, it’s a time of great inspiration, we’ re encouraged to make and create. The shoots of our seed packets from Winter are pushing up, moving closer to the surface of the earth, as the sun is shining for longer these days, the earths crust is warming up, and our intentions, our seeds/shoots are growing stronger, ready to push through the soil and bloom when it comes to spring time.

A truly inspiring time for us all, we're wanting to move more, we’re waking from our active hibernation of Winter, our hearts are wanting to share a little louder, our intentions are wanting us to take action, to take the next sacred steps.

So I encourage you for your Practice this season, to check in on your intentions that you set either in Winter or at the beginning of the year. How are you tracking toward them? What perhaps needs an adjustment, a re-focus, more attention?

Sacred Self Practice for IMBOLC:
Aswell as the above check in, I invite you after reading this to connect into what you used to love doing as a kid? Was it climbing trees, making sand castles, swinging on swings? Connect into your inner child, what did they want to do on a sunny day, with their friends, or on family holidays. And then take action: Can you make space for that this weekend? Can you find a playground and go swinging? Can you head to the beach and play in the sand? Whatever it is, can you let go of thoughts of what if someone sees me, or what will be think, or I’m too old for this.. let it go, let it all go. Can you find the joy and fun and the zero judging that we all felt when doing these things when we were kids. Before society, peers, social media told us we’re too old, we’re too cool, we don’t have the time for silly activities. Make this yours this weekend.

Let me know below what your favourite child-like activity is and did you get a chance to play this weekend?

Lots of Love Carly