
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

Your Introduction to the Chakras: The Root Chakra


 You may associate this Chakra with the colour red, it’s often represented as a lotus flower with 4 petals. When in balance this Chakra brings safety, security, a sense of grounding & stillness. The base Chakra is the perfect place to start when you’re beginning your work with the Chakras and the balancing/aligning of your energy body. If you don’t have your system rooted in it’s greatness, you cannot connect to your confidence, your self worth, leading you to disconnection to the heart, your self expression energies and beyond.

Let’s start even further back, allow me to share a little about the chakras and what I’ve learnt and also how I work with them in my daily and Sacred Practice.

There are 7 Chakras, ‘Energy Systems’ that are held within your body. There are many more outside of us, but for the moment. Let’s just talk about these 7 energy centres, often shown in 7 different colours and lotus flowers with different a number of petals. These energy centres are aligned with the spine, connecting also the front and back body. Starting at the base of your spine with the Base Chakra, working up through your spine, to the back of the heart, to the throat, between your eyebrows, completing with the Crown Chakra and the top of your head.

Imagining them as wheels, they can turn and rotate, in balance, and out of balance. Once in balance they allow earth and universal energy to flow smoothly and nourishingly throughout your physical body, as well as your emotional and energy body. Keeping the Chakras in balance all at once is a task, and when one is out of balance, it is believed the energy flow is disrupted, unable to move up and down your system. Causing disconnection & dis-ease in the body.

There are many practices to bring your chakra system into balance. As an example, when I’m travelling, whether road or by air. When I get to my destination, I can often feel very floaty, very in my head, very ‘flighty’. I’ve come to learn that wherever I land and however long the travel has been. When I arrive, I’ve learnt the practice of ‘grounding’ myself into my new location/space. It can be as simple as unpacking my suitcase, putting my toiletries in the bathroom, opening a window where I’m staying, lighting some incense or spending a few moments, no shoes, standing tall and taking some loving breaths. In through my nose, out through the mouth. I may even repeat an intention of ‘I am safe, I am grounded’ a couple of times, breathing in with each repeat of the intention and following my breath out. A breathing Practice of bringing my energy down from my flighty mind, bringing calm and comfort down, and balancing my Base Chakra. Because once I feel grounded and safe, I feel more trust in my ability, I feel more in tune with my body and my instincts. Kinda embodying that phrase of being ‘down to earth’.

Okay, so over the coming blogs, I’ll be sharing more about each Chakra as we work up from our Grounded, Rooted, Safe, Base Chakra all the way up to our Crown.

Base Chakra. In the book Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith. It is shared that

Grounding brings clarity through stillness.

Grounding forms a foundation.

Grounding is a way of coping with stress.

Grounding is not dull or lifeless, but dynamic and vibrant’.

So feeling into the above few statements. It all begins with balancing this Chakra. It is us growing supportive roots, it’s feeling safe and secure to survive. It is about connecting to the Earth, being solid, so you can grow your energy body upwards, further balancing your being. Connecting your life force with the flow of Earth to Universe. To empower you to stand firm in your being, your thoughts, your actions. Stand tall for what you stand for. We can’t have this if we’re feeling shaky, not stable or untethered to the Earth and Self.

Practices to support you in bringing your Base Chakra into Balance.

Eating: A grounding practice to bring back into your body. Nourishing, mindful and delicious. Savour each mouthful, find Gratitude with each bite, Enjoy.

Nature: Feeling the energy of the Earth and becoming one, walking barefoot is even better. Spend some time noticing your surroundings. The sounds of the leaves rustling, the waves lapping the sand, the birdsong. What can you smell, what detail of your surrounding can you see? The shadows, the little lady beetle making her way up the trunk of a tree, or the leaf floating down the stream. Can you hold your hand to the trunk of a tree and breathe with it?

Mountain Pose: A grounding Yoga pose, feet hip width apart, knees relaxed, with knee caps slightly lifted, spine tall and nose slightly pointing down toward the chin. Arms strong and slightly away from your side body. Be here. Be here with the Mountain, you may even feel the mountain roots growing through your feet, drawing a sense of stability and safety through the bottoms of your feet, lifting all the way up, over each area of your legs, over and around the pelvis and to the base of your spine. Can you connect to the feeling of safety here, to the energy of stability? Take a few more breaths here, and bring yourself out of the pose by slowly moving your limbs and smiling.

Song: Down to Earth: Flight Facilities: Put this tune on and have a little foot stomping dance off with yourself. Embody being the mountain, but with movement and flow. Tapping your toes, moving side to side, perhaps even crouching and bending your knees. Feel the beat of the song and imagine your being and system coming Down to Earth.

Reiki: In your Reiki Session we work deeply with your Base Chakra, with our hands on the hips, knees, toes and sometimes ankles. This is often where I drawer an Oracle Card to support you integrating your session. For once all Chakras are balanced and you have deep grounding, this is where your deepest wisdom can be connected to. We spend a lovely amount of time here as you ground into the entire session, supporting you as you leave safely with balance, calm and connection to your Self.

Crystals: Smoky Quartz, Jasper, Black Tourmaline, Hematite or all great for grounding/earthing your system.

I’ve been wanting to create a Chakra Blog series for a while now, and love that you’re here to give it a read. I’d love to hear from you, if you have any questions or have a comment, please get in touch, either below or find my on socials.

Stay tuned as I share more about the Chakras, and the Changing of the Seasons, as we navigate the next 10 months.


C xoxo