
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

A Sacred Year: SPRING

Apart from the extreme case of hayfever, I experienced a fortnight ago, haha bring on Spring I say! I don’t know about you, but it just puts a bit of a pep in my step, knowing that the days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer, and well things are blossoming, inside & out.

Spring is a time of new, new energy, magic and growth. It’s not just the leaves and the flowers and the birds and other animals that are birthing something new. It is our intentions, our seed packets our energy. It is all coming into the new. 

A creative time, where you check in with your intentions for the year so far, you bring into balance perhaps something within those intentions that is out of whack, we bring harmony to our intentions. There may even be a different, more creative approach you can take. This is  where we really start to lean into our action stations. 

What was it that you desired in Winter, when you were writing up your seed packets of dreams for this coming year/harvest? What is working, what isn’t moving you toward living that intention. And where can we bring in a little balance, a little harmony.. and/or a little creative juice to charge it up.

We’re not about just going along with it, we’re about coming back to our packets, our intentions, and actively working on them to ignite the change, to build what we truly desire for ourselves.

We’ve all heard of the phrase ‘Spring cleaning’ and yep this is why, it’s about pausing, evaluating and clearing out, so we can bring in the new. It’s also about letting more light in, letting that sunshine in. So if you do feel called to open those blinds and give them a good wipe down, or tidy out your closet or the linen cupboard, or the fridge, and give your whole apartment/house a good clean. This is the energy of tidying out to welcome in. 

Spring can also be a sweet time of abundance. Where things start to happen with our intentions and seed packets. There’s change and things are coming to us. For we’ve spent a couple of months now honouring our intentions through our daily/weekly/monthly Practice.

I don't’ really have a spring-centric experience to share, only that my Creatrix Energy is strong right now. and while it’s pulsing through my system, I’m going with it. I’ve been creating on canva, doing plenty of creative/oracle card writing, I’ve created new altars, creating imagery for something fun I’m working on, and I’ve harnessed this energy to create a year long Circle Offering (that I can’t wait to tell you more about).

So I guess you could say I’m well into the harnessing of the Spring Creative Energy at the moment. And isn’t it cool to realise this. It kinda gifts me a sense of comfort that like the changing of the seasons, we too can flex up and down in different aspects of our passions, work, life, intentions. That we can listen to our Sacred Self and see what it’s really desiring of the time and season in this moment, time, week,. And can we lean into that and go with the flow. For me at this time, it is creativity and beauty. We haven’t even talked about the beauty side of Spring.. But this is also an energy of this season. Perhaps we can talk more about that on socials this season.

In the meantime, enjoy the below Sacred Self Practice & I hope to connect with you in this Season of Spring.

Sacred Self Practice for SPRING:

In our SPRING Circle, we take some time after connecting and sipping our Cacao to answer these below questions. So I invite you this month to take a moment with a cuppa and your journal and connect in:

What feels balanced & Harmonious in my life? What doesn’t feel balanced or harmonious? How am I being called to bring more balance and harmony into my life? 

What do I want to create in, or for my life with this Spring Energy?

A simple, yet moving practice. Enjoy and feel free to reach out either here or on socials to share your insights into the journalling practice, or how you can bring in harmony and creativity into your life.