
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

Posts in Creativity
A Sacred Year: SPRING

Spring is a time of new, new energy, magic and growth. It’s not just the leaves and the flowers and the birds and other animals that are birthing something new. It is our intentions, our seed packets our energy. It is all coming into the new. 

A creative time, where you check in with your intentions for the year so far, you bring into balance perhaps something within those intentions that is out of whack, we bring harmony to our intentions. There may even be a different, more creative approach you can take. This is  where we really start to lean into our action stations. 

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A Sacred Year: IMBOLC

So this week I was in conversation with my Coach and coaching group & I was talking about simplifying my work life a little. Last week when I really needed to rest but felt called to make progress with something in my biz, I checked in with myself and felt like doing something creative would be nice and felt right. And it was, I have a crystal curation client that I worked on, researching, creating stickers for the packets on canva, called my crystal wholesaler, chatted and popped through an order. I finished my day, feeling rested, fulfilled and inspired by what I had created. I felt bloody good.

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Spring is said to be a time of harmony, creativity, new life, new ideas, the equal energies of the the light & dark, although the light is becoming stronger..

It gives us a sense of renewed energy after the rest, the quiet action and the deep learnings from winter. All of those ideas that you’ve had bubbling inside over winter, are wanting to emerge. The seeds are planted and the shoots are searching for the sun, that is beginning to shine brighter & brighter as the days move closer to summer.

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Finding Your Balance

I took some time off, filled myself with as much vitamin C as my system could handle. I found restorative yoga & yoga nidra.. I read a lot of books, I reduced sugar in my diet, I started walking of a morning..



I started to take ownership of my time, MY TIME. My time became really sacred to me. I began putting ‘me’ first. And the practices that I adopted that saved me from all that fatigue: they became my self care practice: before self care was a ‘thing’. This was my turning point. Ohh and learning a new way of working.

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How do you feel about creativity, what does your body & mind think when you hear the words ‘creative’?

I know for me, I kinda used to cringe, I would feel embarrassed, and would sort of sink my shoulders and shrug into myself. I didn’t think I was creative. I guess I thought being creative, was a maker, a designer, to be artsy, a visionary, hands on, TO CREATE… to invent?!?

Any of this ringing true for how you feel?

When I look around me, I’m really drawn to creative peeps. Artists, Painters, Graphic Designers, Interior Designers, Performers, Bakers, Visual Merchandisers, Crafty Gals. I felt like all that was way out of reach for me, that although I love nice things, and Instagram, and decorating a pie my sister has made, enjoy getting dressed up for 80’s style aerobics (iso:life).

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