
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.



You may or may not know, that for the last year/ 2 years, I’ve aligned myself with the celtic/pagan Wheel Of The Year. I feel like it’s natures calendar if you will: 8 significant turns of the wheel, each celebrating where we are within our seasons, our cycles, our harvest. It feels for me like a coming home to ancient tradition, and the practices and the ceremony attached to each of these celebrated times of the year, is a chance to pause and tap into it’s incredible energy.

I’m enjoying learning what each of the ‘Sabbats’ are, and how they are celebrated, traditionally and in the now. I adapt and adopt some beautiful practices to create my own. I thought I’d share some of them with you here. But first:

Spring or Ostara:

Spring is said to be a time of harmony, creativity, new life, new ideas, the equal energies of the the light & dark, although the light is becoming stronger..

It gives us a sense of renewed energy after the rest, the quiet action and the deep learnings from winter. All of those ideas that you’ve had bubbling inside over winter, are wanting to emerge. The seeds are planted and the shoots are searching for the sun, that is beginning to shine brighter & brighter as the days move closer to summer.

The last 5-6 weeks has really been an emerging of coming out of the winter cave, being drawn to the sun, the warmth. Although there have been a few colder days.. we know inside, that the warm is coming, the heat of summer is not far away. And so we prepare.

We de-clutter, we ‘spring clean’, we’re changing habits, leaving us open to create that balance/ harmony in our environment, we’re detoxing our body, and renewing the self and our practice.

Practices for Spring:

I thought I’d share a couple of practices that I’m working with this year.

De-clutter your space: I woke up the other morning, and looked around my room, and just thought, stuff needs to go. I’ve felt this urge to sort through my wardrobe for weeks: but I’ve been putting it off. So this weekend is it! I know I’m going to feel better. It’s strange, it’s like my system already knows what I need to do. Take everything out of my wardrobe and place everything back in with gratitude & intention. I want to sort out those boxes under my bed, and just freshen everything up. My reward: I’ve bought myself a lovely new linen bed cover from a local maker. So off with the winter sheets and on with the fresh new bedding. Do you feel this urge too? To clean out the kitchen cupboards, or move your plants around, or sort your crystal collection out? Now is the time, this is your invitation. Clean, clear it out.. Make way for the new..

Creativity: Where in your life can you invite in creativity? I keep coming back to the sense of renewal. A renewed sense of self, and how I show up. And I feel like it’s touching almost every aspect of my life. My health: I’m getting creative with the food that I’m making: Simple things like when I make this breakfast pumpkin dish: I love making it look pretty with seeds, and dried edible flowers. It’s so pretty & I love every mouthful of it. In my job: I’ve been flexing my creative muscle with a specific project: it allows me to colour co-ordinate and merchandise product. In my spiritual practice I’m exploring breath work at a new level & getting creative in where I’m taking myself while I’m in the practice. In my own work: I’ve softly launched an online store: which has had me creating every spare second, hahaha. From the name of the store, the design of the online space, the crystal information cards. So much to create.. and it’s been so joyous!!

NB: I feel before ‘creativity' I needed almost like an ‘allowing’. Whether it be allowing the time, allowing yourself to be open to the possibilities (with no judgement) or even allowing yourself the space for you to bring more creativity into your life. See how you feel about it. This is your permission slip: your allowance to go for creativity!

Manifesting: This energy has been all around me. I’ve been practicing some breath work of a morning this last week. And one of the days I had this pull to sit in the quiet: just me, my heart & my mind and list in no particular order all that I desire and how I desire to feel (as if I’m already living them). I listed things like: I am worthy of this life, I am worthy of deeply connected love, I am exactly where I need to be, I am my healthiest self, I am kind, I am caring, I feel love in my hands, and so many more. I sat there at the beach in what felt like pure heart connection & unwavering gratitude for all that I have and all that I am openly, lovingly welcoming in for myself. A powerful practice, listing those desires has given me a new anchor for my intentions coming into spring. You could also turn this list into a vision board, a letter to yourself for a years time, or simply an entry in your journal.

These are just a couple of ways I’m harnessing this spring energy. There are plenty more, I’d love to hear about your spring practices. What comes up for you at this time of year? What are you clearing out, creating & manifesting for your life?