
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

Dark Moon + Rest


Welcome to the last/final phase of the Lunar Month. Not a specific phase of the moon, rather a ‘void’. And in some reading, it’s known as the ‘void-of-course’. This is more of an energy felt. It’s the dark time of the moon, when she is almost New again. Sometimes you won’t even see the tiny sliver of light on the moon. This is often 2-3 days before the New Moon.

This time really asks us to quieten down. To rest, to move within. A time of replenishment and gratitude. Gratitude for the lunar month thats almost complete. A time to recharge so we can prepare for the new phase, the new lunar month.

Gratitude is such a big part of my everyday practice. It’s a practice I come back to and chop & change a little depending on how I’m feeling. It can be as simple as listing three things I’m grateful for, or listing 33 things. Either in my mind or on paper. I’ve written a blog around Gratitude. Check it out if you’d like.

Personally this is a favourite time of the month for me, both lunar and in my own moon cycle. Hahaha any excuse for a rest permission slip. And so this is yours. I was born in a Dark Moon, and so I feel this interesting lift in myself. It’s not so much a turbo boost to do more, It’s more of a quiet connection and encouragement to do the work that I offer. I feel more connected to source, and so feel motivated to write, connect, be with myself and my intuition. From this comes a confidence to share this work. To show up and serve. Shall we call it a ‘motivated rest’

It’s a great time to practice yoga nidra, deepen your meditation practice, and going inward allows you to focus on any personal matters: questions to ask yourself and explore the answers. Just remember to breathe.

I also tap into any kind of grounding practice, whether it is through my meditation, walking barefoot on the earth, laying with grounding crystals at my feet and listening to some of my favourite songs, sipping on moon water boosted with grounding crystals. This is an invitation to do all the things that help you feel you. So spend some time the next couple of days feeling into that. And remember this restful permission slip occurs every month. Pop it in your diary, and enjoy

Bringing crystals into all I do, exploring the Dark Moon, gave me a chance to connect in and find out what crystal I’m drawn to at this time. Taking key themes of these few days, I chose some pretty cool crystals:

Rhodonite: Heart chakra, stabilising, compassion, setting boundaries. Releasing stuck, fearful energies around self love & self worth.

Lepidolite: Calming, stabilising, soothing. A reminder that everything is okay, you’re way and things will be okay.

Hematite: Balancing, recharging, grounding. Actually looks and feels like the Dark Moon.

If you’re wanting to know more about the above crystals, check out the Instalive I did this week. It explains the Dark Moon, and the chosen crystals more in depth.

Each month I hold a live Coffee + Crystals chat on Instagram. It’s a chance to sip coffee (or tea, or cacao, or whatever you’re in the mood for) and we talk crystals. I work with a theme/ topic/intention and we talk about 3-4crystals, here are sometimes questions, or it’s just me sharing about the crystals.

It’s usually the Friday closest to the new moon, around 11AM AEST. If you have a specific theme or crystal/s you’d like me to talk about, reach out.

Much Love + Happy Dark Moon