
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

Sacred Travel

I recently did a little Values Checkin Practice. A lovely practice held with my good mate and Fully Flourishing Expert, Sophie. It’s a great Practice and allows us time and space dedicated to answering questions around what it is we love about our life, where you love spending your time, what you love talking about, and so forth. What came up for me wasn’t really a surprise. My Sacred Biz, My Health and Travel.

Perhaps heavily influenced because as I share this with you, I’m in Peru. A trip that I’ve had in my heart for many many years. I'm not really a vision board or bucket list kinda gal, but what I do do, is hold the visions in my heart. One of those visions is to venture to Peru on Sacred Retreat with my mentor Sora Schilling.

I’ve patiently watched from afar as Sora has taken many folks to Peru on Retreat, following along on socials, and last year my heart grew each day Sora shared her experience. So I ventured to my heart and listened to her whispers and paid a deposit.

It wasn’t long after I’d been in Bali, actually I don’t think I’d even been to Bali at the time of reaching out to Sora and connecting online to explore if this Retreat was something for me. It 100% was and after my initial questions were answered I was going. And had something like 12 months to wait to be there! I knew deep down in my core that this was a place I’d always wanted to visit, and to go with someone I trusted, who knows me and my limits, and where they can also stretch me out ofmy confirm zone, but still be lovingly held, I was booked in. Flights weren’t too far off being arranged and the savings account was set up.

How do I prepare for a trip like this? A few things come to mind with this question. One is the Intention. What is my Intention for going on this epic adventure? Asking myself what do I hope to gain out of a trip like this? What are the practical things I need to consider in order to get myself there? How do I prepare my body and mind to get there? Because you know I’m travelling there on my own, and it’s a country that I’ve never been to before, and they speak another language.

The Intention was easy, and over this past year, it has changed slightly, and from there I’ve been able to anchor into the intention deeper and deeper. My intention: ‘To learn the art of surrender, to experience a new culture, to deepen my Sacred Practice, to be held by a Sacred Leader.’

It helped that when working with someone like Sora there is always Circle and Magic. What I loved about this was that leading up to the retreat, we were going to meet in online Circle. As those attending are from different parts of the world, this was so lovely,  we put faces to names, we created a Sacred Field, w connected, shared any concerns, we supported each other in the lead up to all meeting in the Sacred Valley of Peru.

The Practical Stuff: Not going to lie, I’m not great at it. But I’ve gotten better at taking care of myself in the lead up to a trip to an unknown country. I don’t really research, because that’s not me. I’m the kinda gal who just allows things to come to her, a conversation with someone I’ve just met, might spark a conversation about where I’m going and then I’m interested something they’ve suggested, and will then maybe I’ll explore it for myself.

One non-negotiable was to visit Machi Picchu. And Sora is amazing, as she’s been many times before, and knows exactly when and how to book and who to book through. About 3 months out from the trip, I’m already surrendering to the experience, I trust that I’m held by Sora, and so I take my guidance from there. And it was a lovely and easeful experience booking the 1 day excursion. It’s on our retreat free day, and I’ll be journeying to this most Sacred of Sites on my own, with a guide for some of it. Don’t worry I’m okay. In fact I think if you’re reading this when it is live. I’ll most likely be at Machu Picchu today! Check my socials for where I’m at!

I’ve also travelled to some European countries here I’ve learnt the most basic of words this trip was different, I have always wanted to learn Spanish, also because I can see myself living and working in Barcelona for 3-6months. Through anchoring into my Peru Intention, I felt a real call to learn the language. I mean I was 3 months out from landing here, and had really wanted to start in January. But this was it, I still had about 10 weeks to learn a word or two. I downloaded Duolingo and got cracking. Actually I think it was the weekend I had a break form social media for73 hours, which was perfect, because each morning, instead of scrolling, I learnt Espanol.. Do you like what I did there?

The next practical piece is to work out what to pack. I’m either not taking very much, which was what happened when I went to Bali last year, which I won't be making the mistake when I go again later in the year. Or i way overpack. So I put my sensible head on, and listened to some good advice. And I think I’ve packed very well. There is a laundry service where I’m staying, so that has helped a lot.

But then we get down to what Sacred things do I pack? Unlike when I travel for my other job, where I take a travelling altar, and many other things, because I have my car. This is a little different. One when I take my Sacred things on planes, I carry them on. especially my crystals. So that keeps it realistic, If I can’t carry it in a backpack, or carry on luggage, then it’s not coming. And because I’m going a Sacred Retreat, and exploring a new culture. I know I will most likely gather some local sacred pieces while I”m there. What are the Sacred Non-negotiables:

Crystals: mainly tumbled, and ones that I’ve had on my Peru Altar at home for the past 8 weeks.

A worry doll: My sweetest of friends makes them, and I always take one with me.

Fuzzy Prism Oracle Cards: because they come with me to every place I travel to

Notebook and coloured pens: You know I’m really into journalling at the moment, and I know I’ll be wanting to write what is on my heart every day while I'm away.

Sacred Mist that I’ve created with oils and essence of my intention for going to Peru.

That’s kind of it, I’m keeping it pretty simple. And all of this is in my backpack.

Other considerations I make.

Within my Values are the environment, and I just feel sick when I unnecessarily use plastic and take away crap when I travel. And before you start, I know, and respectfully, I do understand that yes I will most likely have to buy bottled water, and by snacks in plastic when I’m on trains and day trips, and also trying local chocolate and treats..But where I can manage I take my own things. Water bottle, hot water vessel for Cacao… hahaha wait until you see how I prep my Cacao for the plane ride. Take snacks in reusable containers for the plane. I am someone who eats on planes, I do know of folks who use that time to fast. But that’s not for me. I sometimes take a metal straw and cleaning brush, and cutlery.

Speaking of planes I cant’ stand being cold.. well anywhere, but especially planes, where you can’t et away from it. So I always take a scarf, not only for warmth, but also to use as pillow. I typically always wear a long sleeve skin under a t-shirt, and as much as I’ve loved when I’ve been upgraded, for me I’d rather just be comfy in trackies and a cute pair of sneakers. I also very much wear compression socks, and have done for about 15 years. Just my body I guess. And I never take my shoes off on the plane.

I take rose face mist, a toothbrush and paste, again, save using something single use from the airline (if they even do that anymore). I do pack a little bit of makeup, because it always makes me feel a little more love after a long haul flight. and those brightest of white lights in border security can be harsh. I carry hand sanitiser and have always taken anti-bacterial wipes on planes. I make my own vapour-rub with beeswax and essential oils and coconut oil for me to put in my nose. An eye mask and often a beanie or hat. Especially on long haul flights and crazy time zone changes, I like to be snuggly.

Lastly, How do I prepare my body & mind:

If you’ve been with me for a while, you know I’ve had a big couple of years, especially when it’s come to my health and my body. altitude sickness is a real thing & I’ve never experienced it. hahaha I looked up how high Newcastle is to sea level, It's about 27feet. Yeh where I'm staying in The Sacred Valley is 9,420feet above sea level. Like what the shit.. my brain doesn’t even understand that.. Okay so that was one of the questions I had for Sora, am i going to be able to do this? She assures me, I’ll okay with it. May experience the odd headache, bloating. But that also the folks at the Retreat Centre will 100% look after us. So cool. I can’t control what happens when I get there. What I can do, is be as best prepared as I can possibly be.

So then became my intention of ‘I treat my body as the temple she is’. ‘ I trust, surrender + tree my body as the temple she is’. This is how I start every mediation and Reiki Practice. It comes up in my journal most days. I’m deeply focused on my health, and have been jogging, going to strengthening and pilates classes, seeing my naturopath about my dismal iron levels and improving those. I’ve been seeing my chiro/kinesoligist magician, and receiving massages. I meal plan and on each weekly plan, I write my intention. When I’m writing my shopping list, or wanting to sleep in, or wanting to not move my body because it’s too dark or cold. I come back to my Intention of treating my body as the temple she is. Yes there have been days where I have had a sleep in, or preferred to do Reiki in bed.

Each time I ask myself is it aligned with my Intention for Peru.. I make my choice, with no guilt or second guess. So send me all the luck for minimal high altitude symptoms.

As for preparing for my mind, you know the answer. Sacred Self Practice, every day. Something beautiful that we were encouraged to have was an altar for our time in Peru. Which I set up one New Moon, filled with the crystals I’ll be take-in with me, Mookaite and Aussie Sandalwood that I’m gifting the other retreat peeps, shell, incense, match, a feather and Cacao. I’, never too far away from the altar, even when I do Reiki in bed, I bring it in with me. It’s in a sweet little box. It came to my last Circle, and is with me at every online Circle we’ve called into.

So that’s a little about how I travel in the Sacred. I’d love to hear what you think. Pop a comment below, or follow me on socials for how i’m travelling over in Peru.