
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

The Magic of Cacao

For those of you that have been following along with my life for a while, you will know that this sweet, delicious chocolatey goodness has been an anchor for me for good few years now.

I’m trying to remember how I came across it. It was well over 7 years ago. And to be honest I think Cacao found me. I was a pretty avid coffee drinker. Lived in Melbs, that’s kind of what you do there. I loved coffee, it was my daily thing, it was a way to connect with the peeps at the coffee shop, catch up with friends, keep me going through my busy days, and probably a bit of a coping mechanism to get me through some sticky situations.

Cacao found me at a different time in my life. I’d moved on from quite a stressful working environment, I’d discovered Yoga Nidra, was looking after my health, connecting to my spiritual Self. And then one day I found Australian Ceremonial Cacao. I felt compelled to buy a bag instantly. It arrived and I don't think I looked back.

At first it was pretty simple, I just followed the recipe on the back, made it on the stove top (I still do) and sipped away. It wasn’t until I started to work on my meditation and Self healing Practice that I found a deeper sense of heart felt connection to the Cacao.

Whenever I sat with oracle cards, I sipped a cup of cacao. When I was looking for a sweet treat of an afternoon I had a cup of cacao. When I gave up coffee for the betterment of my health, I made my way to a cup of Cacao.

It became a much deeper part of my Sacred Practice when I started to work with intentions. Every month, for the new moon, I would sit with Cacao, I would pull oracle cards, meditate, complete a Self/life enquiry, and work to write up and bring in an intention. A simple sentence/phrase that encapsulates what I’d like to bring into my life for that coming lunar cycle.

With my intention in mind, whenever I stirred my Cacao on the stovetop, I stood, feet firmly planted on the ground, with each swirl of my spoon I would hold my intention in my minds eye and charge my energy body with the intention, infusing it into the Cacao. I would bring the saucepan up to my lips and whisper my intention into the Cacao.

Before I take my first sip, I sit with my cup and hold my intention again and often what I am Grateful for in that moment, honouring the work that I’m doing for myself, what I am grateful for and all that went into me taking this first sip.

It’s a time to pause (even 10minutes) when I make and take my first few sips of Cacao. It’s a short Sacred time and space where I connect to my hearts wisdom on the daily. Honouring my intention and co-creating with the Cacao a way of life that I desire.

If you’re interested to try or fairly new to Cacao, welcome to this plant medicine/magic. And this really is medicine. A connecter to all things heart. You can ask Cacao a question, you can have a conversation with her, you can share your dreams and desires with her, and of course you can share your intention with her. This is where the co-creation part begins, trusting in the Cacao medicine to provide you with comfort, an answer, a prompt or reminder of who it is you truly are and what it is you can truly make happen for yourself.

A beautiful heart opener, if its gratitude or manifesting or healing that your wanting to explore or amplify, Cacao is here for you to make this happen for You.

There are a few ways I invite you to work with Cacao. Click the link below to connect with this plant magic and ways I can support you.