
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

Hi, I'm back.. healing & being rad!

Well hello, It’s been a little while. Quite a while actually, since I’ve been here in this space. I took a break because.. well life really. And now I’m listening to the little soul whispers, saying it’s time to share a little more with you again.

We won’t go back over the last couple of years. If you follow me on socials, you know some of the life things I’ve traversed. Each of them in their own right: joyful, challenging, complex, interesting, amazing. I’ve held myself in kindness & compassion…mostly. At times that has been difficult to do and carry. But with honouring my Self through my daily Sacred Practice, I’ve managed to work my way through all the things. Learning along the way, sharing along the way. Exploring all parts of my body, the physical, the emotional, the energetic, the mind and the connection to Spirit.

What do I know to be true right in this moment?

The Magic is within You.

Grief is challenging and forever changing.

Honouring myself through daily Sacred Practice + acts is the way I want to live for the rest of my days.

So why am I only now hearing the whispers of my soul when it comes to the offerings and Sacred Practices that I bring to the world? Hmmm good question. I’ve been doing a lot of ‘work’ on myself.. sometimes I dislike how that comes out.. but really I have. I’ve been exploring all aspects of myself and my practice. Here a just a few things that I'd like to speak to.

Last year I completed my Reiki Level 1 + 2 trainings… I fricking looooove this Practice. Both in my own Self Healing journey, but also the fact that I get to offer this to my people… I am just so humbled and honoured that I get to share this loving, healing practice. Through this magical and transformative learning + practice, I’m healing.

I’ve been in an amazing Group Coaching Program called Expansion.. It’s with Sammie Flemming. Sammie is truly the most inspirational, space holding, heart opening Priestesses, Goddess, Coach I’ve ever had the privilege to work with. Being in this space (and I still have 2 more months to go) has opened me up to all that I can imagine for myself and this work that I bring to you. And I’m healing.

I’ve lovingly held 8 Sacred Circles over the past 12 months. Which have been nourishing, heart opening, soul  and people connecting, and beautiful. Each Circle I leave feeling full of Gratitude, again humbled that I get to hold this Sacred Space for the divine women who attend. And I’m healing.

Haha, have you found the common thread.. through the above… and living life, the ups, the downs, the heart ache, the gratitude, the grief, the practice, the learning, the opening, the stretching myself out of my comfort zone, the overcoming challenging things, the gratitude again.. comes healing.

And from this place of healing. I’ve opened myself up to connecting to my soul and the soul of this business. I’ve healed old habits. I’ve healed stories that I’ve held on to for waaaaay too long. I’ve healed physical wounds. I’ve healed emotional baggage that has been stuck to me for just too long. I’ve healed my heart of the ache from my dad, my friends I’ve said goodbye to, the woman I used to be. hmmm.. exhaling.. From this place of healing, comes a new iteration of Me.

Through the healing, I’ve shed older versions of myself, I’ve shed things, thoughts + people who no longer serve my best Self, I’ve shed parts of myself that have kept me dimming my light + not being seen. Lots of shedding, healing and now.. Me.

Hahaha a couple of times over the past few months, I’ve found myself in conversation with friends and Sammie actually. And whatever we’ve been talking about, I’ve found myself saying ‘I’m fucking rad’… hahaha and you know what? I kinda love it… because, there’s been a lot to move through this last little while. And I like being rad.. and the feelings with being a rad person. So for now, I’ll take being rad.

I’m hoping to be my rad Self here way more often. Sharing what’s on my heart, sharing Sacred Practices, sharing ways I’m living my rad life!

What about you? How are you? What’s been happening for you? I’d love to know? either write me back here, or message me through socials, see belo

Check out what I’ve been up to through my Instagram:

Big Love

Carly xoxo