
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

Posts tagged intentions

I’ve been working with intentions effectively for a good few years now. Way back in the day when I’d set goals at the beginning of the year, never really think about them again until the December of that year, then wonder why I’d never really moved closer to the goal. It wasn’t until I found Yoga Nidra & learning more about the energy of the Lunar Cycles that I really tapped into the power & energy of setting intentions.

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The Wheel of the Year

For a good few years now, I’ve followed a different kind of calendar when it comes to setting Intentions, moving through the year and anchoring into the potency of our Seasons. It’s be been really powerful being guided by something more than the calendar and just the moon.

I’ve really loved reading and learning all about The Wheel of the Wiccan Year. Not necessarily seeing myself as a Wiccan or Witch. It’s the seasons and the connection to Mother Earth that I’m drawn too. I love working monthly with my intentions and the Moon Phases. I know there is some great power in that, and the moving through and bringing intentions to life in this way is so special. But aligning myself with the ebbs and flows of the overall year is really cool.

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“I am Happy + Healthy”

One of my intentions for 2020 was around health: “to be happy & healthy”, is my exact intention. Something I repeat in my yoga class, when I’m clearing the energy in my apartment, or when I’m working on may grounding technique.

Some of the things/actions I wanted to work on with this was my meditation practice, working with the Ayurvedic approach to food, improve my sleep, keeping up with my gratitude practice.

My intention this year was to have this reminder around me always. I’d love to share all of my practices, there are quite a lot. So I thought I’d share a few with you.. I wonder if you can find the theme..

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