
Sacred Musings

Explore all of the ways to bring the Sacred into your day. Whether its Grounding, Gratitude, Cacao, Yoga, you're invited to read through Carly's own story of connecting to your hearts wisdom & all that you can learn from it. Read how intentions, daily routines & choosing Self, have expanded Carly's life into an aligned life of daily devotion & Sacred Practice. Find inspiration, honesty & love here.

The first Sacred Practice I fell in love with

This Practice was the first Practice that I really resonates with and really committed myself to. Yoga Nidra was my kind of Yoga, often called sleepy yoga.. this Practice changed my life.

At the time I found Yoga Nidra, my system was not happy, it was broken and disconnected from everything. I’d never been much into gyms, yoga, stretching, even relaxing.. I’d started to do a little buit of mindfulness.. mainly colouring in.. I did knit though, which seemed to really calm my system. But committing to and showing up a few times a week for a Yoga NIdra class was the gift to my system that I didn’t even know I needed.

You see, you don’t need to be bendy, stretchy, (not that you need to be that in any other Yoga class either, but you know we sometimes tell ourselves). You don’t need to wear active gear or even have your own yoga mat to do Yoga Nidra. I was fortunate I found a Yoga space that provided, blankets, eye pillows and an environment that was judgement free and soooo welcoming.

I could turn up to class in my work outfit, 3 minutes before class and just lay down. I did learn to get there earlier, so I could get closer to the sound bowls. It didn’t take long for me to see a few changes, and so I started to make plans around my classes. It became quite the priority in my week, if I could be really honest. It was something that I really wasn’t going to miss for anything. I think the only time I missed a class was because I was out of the state.

So what made it so incredible and healing for me. A couple of things. firstly, my teacher was amazing. Gena had a way of having you feel at ease as soon as you were in her presence. There was a calming energy about the whole space and her. It was her voice and a few key things that she said to open the space and settle everyone in.

The first thing she would say ‘You are in a safe and protected space, everything is going to be okay, you are in safe space, a protected space’ instant exhale and shoulders relax. The another key phrase… oooo this is giving me goose bumps just thinking about it..’The more you witness, the more you see. The more you see, the more you choose differently.’ Mic drop… this, this changed everything for me.

You see Yoga Nidra is about connecting to all layers of your being, it’s about your physical body, your energy body, your sensing body, your emotional body, your subconscious body. And through this Practice.. you access it all. For me accessing my subconscious Self was where change and magic happened.

This Practice is about witnessing yourself in these states.. working with them, confiding in them, nurturing them. And then seeing them, uncovering what is behind them, challenging them, healing them. And then comes the choosing. How does the witnessing and the seeing reveal a different choice, a different approach, a different way of doing something.

I knew from this, that I wanted more from my life. That my dad died young, he was over-worked and missing out on some of the best parts of life. And to be honest, I was directly on that path. But I witnessed myself in this life, I saw what could be, what I could imagine for myself. And I made a choice.

And I made a lot of different choices. Many people didn't quite understand or agree with. These choices impacted many different aspects of my life too, work, health, relationships, values & my beliefs. Almost every aspect of my life changed course. Many aspects were also healed, but the biggest change was a discovering myself again. No longer was I disconnect from my Self, my truth, my heart.

What were some of the choices? I can feel you asking me. I left a job that was no longer right for me. I ended my marriage because it just wasn’t great any more. I moved states, shocked many folks in may life. I studied Life Coaching and from there went on a path of Discovering my Sacred Self. Through that I deepened my connection to my Self. and have begun teaching, inspiring and holding space for others to discover their most Sacred Self. I chose my health and my body and have really focused on her this past few years. I had breast reduction surgery. I now live near the beach, am in my Mermaid Energy Era and just love my life.

Yoga Nidra and this Practice of showing up for it multiple times a week, really was the catalyst to my Home Coming. It truly was, and I will forever be Grateful for this Practice, my teacher and my courage to continue to witness, to see and to choose differently. None of the above was without challenge.. some fucking big challenges.. But when you are connected to your most Sacred, sovereign Self, you can imagine, do and be anything your heart desires.